最近,区域与资源规划系赵筱青教授为通讯作者,研究生李思楠为第一作者,普军伟、苗培培、王茜和谭琨为合作者的研究论文“optimize and control territorial spatial functional areas to improve the ecological stability and total environment in karst areas of southwest china”,在国际重要的土地政策top期刊land use policy(ssci一区,影响因子3.682)上在线发表,报道了赵筱青教授团队研究领域的最新研究成果。
图1 基于“双评价”的喀斯特地区国土空间功能区优化
图2 喀斯特地区国土空间集聚开发分区
论文详情:optimize and control territorial spatial functional areas to improve the ecological stability and total environment in karst areas of southwest china.,, january 2021, 104940.